Great Lakes Lawyers

Kigali - Kinshasa - Nairobi

Business People, Business Law

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Pro Bono
This is all about
our commitment.

We are committed to volunteer our time and services, for providing support to the communities where we do business by widening access to justice. We collaborate with Ministry of Justice, local NGOs and charities to deliver Rwandan community outreach and pro bono services, to those who are unable to afford lawyer’s fee.

At GLL, each lawyer has a target to contribute at least 60 hours of pro bono service per year. We strongly believe that this is the minimal financial contributions that Rwandan lawyers should aspire to make to organizations providing legal services to the poor and underserved. We encourages other’s Rwandan lawyers to aspire to provide such free legal services.

We set strategic community and Pro Bono objectives, which we report on annually as part of our Responsible Business.

Our team have unique,
hybrid profiles.
We're looking for
talented individuals.